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Silverfish (scientific name: Lepisma saccharina) is a small, wingless insect belonging to the order Zygentoma. It is commonly found in homes and other buildings, particularly in dark and damp areas like basements, kitchens, bathrooms, and attics. They are known for their distinctive silvery appearance and their very quick, fish-like movements, which earned them their name.

Silverfish and firebrats are very similar in appearance and are therefore best distinguished by their differences in habitat. Silverfish prefer damp, cool places such as basements, laundry rooms, and under sinks.

They both have a distinctive fish-like appearance. Their bodies are flat, tapered at both ends, and covered by overlapping scales. They are wingless and small, about 1/2 inch (12.5 mm) in length or less. The antennae are threadlike and very long. They also have three long, thin, tail-like appendages at the end of the abdomen.

What attracts silverfish?

Despite the fact that it seldom gets below freezing, Florida winter pests are typically drawn to the refuge that a home offers. In Florida, winter pests seek certain humidity levels, easy access to food, and an environment with controlled warmth. The same applies to silverfish.


  • They feed on a variety of materials, including paper, books, cardboard, fabrics, glue, and starchy foods.
  • They are attracted to items containing carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins.

Once inside your home or garage, they can be challenging to eradicate. Silverfish can survive for over a year on just water, even if you clean up all your food. In any case, it is wise to save food. If they can, seasonal pests like silverfish will enter it. If they can get inside it, they will even if they don’t need it to survive.

Are they dangerous?

When they decide to settle down in one of our Florida homes, they wreak havoc on a variety of items we all have there, including dry foods kept in pantry areas, upholstered furniture, clothes, documents, wallpaper, and carpets.

Their attraction to regions with a lot of surplus moisture is another crucial feature of them. The presence of silverfish in your home may be a sign that there is a moisture issue in or around your home that needs to be fixed.

How to get rid of them?

We at Hannan Environmental Services are aware of how frightening having these pests in your house can be. We provide specialized pest control treatments that we carry out on a regular basis to assist you to maintain a home free of silverfish and other household pests.

Get in touch with Hannan Environmental Services if silverfish have started to cause problems in your house. All of our home pest control solutions include silverfish control. We were voted the best pest control service in Florida for 2022. We are certain that we can provide you with the peace of mind that these pests will be permanently kept out of your house. Contact us today to get your free inspection.

While they are considered pests due to their potential to damage items, they do not pose health risks to humans. They do not bite or spread diseases.

Remember that effective control often involves addressing moisture issues and reducing their access to food sources. By taking preventive measures and maintaining a clean and dry environment, you can minimize the risk of infestations in your home.

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